Offset printing is a commonly used printing technique in which the inked image is transferred (or "offset") from a plate to a rubber blanket, then to the printing surface. We use the 2540 dpi CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black) four-color printing process.
The two-dimensional barcode was first intended for the automotive industry, it quickly became popular worldwide and within a variety of fields along with the rise of the smartphone era. In a nutshell, the QR code (Quick Response) is in fact a two-dimensional barcode with 100 times greater storage capacity than a regular barcode. The QR code is one of the most powerful marketing tools in the mobile sector. a Business Card with QR code is an excellent way to connect the off-line and on-line worlds.
This card size is shared by a large number of countries across the world, including Argentina, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, Israel, Kazakhstan, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Latvia, Mexico and South Africa.
The UK, Ireland, Italy, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and Belgium all tend to go for a slightly narrower average Business Card size at 85 mm by 55 mm.
If You're in the USA or Canada, the standard size of a Business Card here is 89 by 55 mm. Australia and New Zealand share the same Business Card dimensions, as do Northern European countries Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Taiwan also shares the same size, which is 90 mm by 55 mm. The Japanese paper size is 91 mm by 55 mm. The standard Business Card size used in China, Hong Kong and Singapore is 90 mm by 54 mm.
Your Business Cards take 7-10 business days to be printed. Shipping generally takes 2-5 days depending on location in Europe, 7-15 days to other continents, but all delivery dates are estimate. is not responsible for delays caused by the Couriers or International postal services. has no control over the courier services or any other common carriers’ delivery schedules and cannot guarantee when mail or shipments deposited with or released to these carriers will be delivered. responsibility is limited to preparing your mailing and completing delivery to courier company.’s responsibility ends courier company takes possession of package. In no event shall be liable for courier company performance failures or delivery delays.

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Opinii, experienţe (

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Gabriela Streit (OneLife)

"Dragă echipa! Astăzi mi-am primit cărţile de vizită şi sunt încântat de ele..."

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Tatyana Alpatova (DoTerra)

"Salut băieţi! Ieri am primit cărţile de vizită şi aş vrea să vă mulţumesc pentru promptitudine..."

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Pásztor Julianna (Morinda)

"Dragă Com-Ware Ltd.! Mii de mulţumiri pentru serviciul excelent! Cărţile de vizită au sosit ieri..."

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Claudia Böhm (HLBS Network)

"Site-ul vostru este foarte prietenos, cu adevărat uşor de lucrat cu el, este minunat să vezi..."

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Sabrina Schulz (Kannaway)

"Bună! Am vrut doar să te informez că am primit cărţile de vizită. Sunt excelente! Î-ţi mulţumim pentru..."

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Jessica Girelli (Rain)

"Ciao!!! Tocmai am primit cărţile de vizită, calitativ sunt mult peste asteptările mele..."

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Dacă nu ai comandat site de recrutare personalizate, acum este timpul!

Cu mai mult exerciţiu va merge mai bine. Fixează-ti ţinta şi începe să exersezi chiar de azi!

Comanda chiar acum!     Manual de utilizare

Opinii, experienţe (SmartNetworking System)

Distribuiţi-ne! Opinia ta este importantă pentru noi!
Trimite-ne impresiile tale pentru afişare aici, în pagină!

Franz Roither (LikesXL / XPRO)

"Am fost foarte încântat să fiu printre primii care au testat sistemul SmartNetworking. În ceea ce mă priveşte..."

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Dmitry Ushakov (QW Lianora Swiss)

"Am fost doar un "observator" în ultimii 3-4 ani. Recent un prieten mi-a prezentat acest sistem..."

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Wei Lin Chua (Bitqyck)

"Am început sa folosesc acest sistem, iar echipa mea a EXPLODAT! Folosind sistemul..."

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Zamil Toyo (Bitclub Network)

"Wow! Ce sistem remarcabil! La fiecare 24 de ore am o nouă persoană care se alătură echipei mele..."

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Alexandru Popescu (WorldVentures)

"M-am alăturat recent şi am început să folosesc sistemul. Am început să obţin feedback bun aproape instantaneu..."

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Karina Nilsen (Valentus)

"Am vrut să vă spun cum s-a schimbat viaţa mea folosind serviciilor dvs. Aceasta a fost una..."

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